The Card Rankings in Tri Card Poker

If you are a fan of poker games, then you may or may not enjoy the game of tri card poker. This is because tri card poker is different than other forms of poker games. Before you take your chances at the game of tri card poker, you may want to learn a little more about the game before you tell the dealer to deal you in to the game. You will find that tri card poker is much different than other poker games, especially when it comes to the card rankings.

What are the card rankings in tri card poker?

The card rankings in tri card poker are probably much different than what you are used to. This is why it is important to learn more about tri card poker before you take your chances at the game. There is a significant difference in card rankings in the tri card poker game than other poker games. Here is how the card rankings work in the game of tri card poker:

  • First of all, you have a straight flush.
  • Secondly, there is three of a kind.
  • After that, you have a straight.
  • Next in line is a flush.
  • Then, you have a pair.
  • Lastly, you have a high card.

You may notice that these card rankings are different from what you are used to seeing in other card games. Most players are astonished by the fact that a straight has a more significant value than a flush. The reason behind this ranking is because there are less ways that a player can obtain a three card straight than a three card straight.